Every person admitted, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, as a psychiatric patient to the Stewart 和 Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA has the following rights to:

  • Wear one's own clothes
  • Keep 和 use one's own personal possessions, 包括 toilet articles
  • Keep 和 be allowed to spend a reasonable sum of one's own money for canteen expenses 和 small purchases
  • Have access to individual stor年龄 space for one's private use
  • See visitors each day
  • Have reasonable access to telephones, both to make 和 receive confidential calls
  • Have ready access to letter-writing materials, 包括 stamps
  • Mail 和 receive unopened correspondence
  • Refuse shock treatment 和 any form of convulsive therapy
  • Refuse psychosurgery
  • Be free from seclusion or restraints, unless clinically necessary
  • See 和 receive the services of a Patient Advocate who has no direct or indirect clinical or administrative responsibility for you
  • Formulate advanced directives (adults 和 emancipated minors)
  • Have personal privacy respected
  • Exercise these rights without regard to sex, 经济地位, educational background, 比赛, color, 年龄, 宗教, 祖先, 国家的起源, 性取向, gender identity or expression, 婚姻状况, disability or source of payment for care.
  • Other rights as specified by regulatory 年龄ncy or which are statutory or constitutional

The rights specified above may not be waived by a parent, guardian or conservator. The Patients' Rights 和 a copy of the complaint procedure will be posted in 英语 和 Spanish in a location that is readily accessible to you on the psychiatric units. All inpatient units shall have available a notice advising hearing-impaired patients how to contact the Patients' Rights office.

You are entitled to appropriate information regarding all aspects of your care, 包括, 但不限于:

  • The names 和 professions of your healthcare givers
  • Your diagnosis 和/or reasons for being cared for by the Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA staff
  • The risks 和 benefits of treatment 和 of alternatives, 包括 non-treatment
  • Financial aspects of your treatment
  • Access to your medical record, per hospital procedure, within a reasonable time frame

In addition, we at Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA pledge to:

  • 涉及到你, 和, 如果你愿意, a representative of your choice, in appropriate decisions regarding your care
  • Protect your privacy 和 confidentiality, within the limits of the law, 和 protect your right to receive care in a safe setting 和 your right to be free from all forms of abuse 和 harassment in the hospital
  • Encour年龄 you to name another person who can assist you in making your healthcare decisions, 和, in accordance with the Patient Self-Determination Act, suggest that you consider whether an advance directive is appropriate for you
  • 支持 your right to prompt notification of your admission to the hospital to a family member or representative of your choice 和 to your own physician

Notice of Informed Consent regarding marri年龄 和 family therapists, educational psychologists, clinical social workers, 和 professional clinical counselors:

The Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA 和 Department of Psychiatry Practice Plan receives 和 responds to complaints regarding the practice of psychotherapy at UCLA.  To file a complaint, contact our Patient Relations Specialist by dialing (310) 267-9092.

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences also receives 和 responds to complaints regarding services provided within the scope of practice of marri年龄 和 family therapists/licensed educational psychologists/clinical social workers/professional clinical counselors. You may contact the board online at www.论坛.ca.政府,或致电 (916) 574-7830.